Cover image for Psychology of terrorism : key readings : classic and contemporary insights
Psychology of terrorism : key readings : classic and contemporary insights
Psychology of terrorism : key readings : classic and contemporary insights

Publication Information New:
New York : Psychology Press, 2009.
Physical Description:
xv, 496 p. ; 24 cm.
Key readings in social psychology
Individual terror : concept and typology / Understanding terrorist behavior : the limits and opportunities of psychological inquiry / The psychology of terrorism : "syndrome" versus "tool" perspectives / The mind of the terrorist : a review and critique of psychological approaches / Cheshire-cat logic : the recurring theme of terrorist abnormality in psychological research / The terrorists in their own words : interviews with 35 incarcerated Middle Eastern terrorists / Palestinian suicide terrorism in the Second Intifada : motivations and organizational aspects / Genesis of suicide terrorism / The strategic logic of suicide terrorism / Altruism and fatalism : the characteristics of Palestinian suicide terrorists / Does poverty cause terrorism? / Does democracy promote or reduce transnational terrorist incidents? / Who are the terrorists? Analyzing changes in sociological profile among members of ETA / Social dominance and social identity in Lebanon : implications for support of violence against the West / Arab attributions for the attack on America : the case of Lebanese subelites / Mortality salience, martyrdom, and military might : the Great Satan versus the Axis of Evil / Recruitment processes in clandestine political organizations : Italian left-wing terrorism / The psychopolitical formation of extreme left terrorism in a democracy : the case of the Weathermen / Social psychology of terrorist groups / Social psychological aspects of political terrorism / Understanding terror networks / The logic of terrorism : terrorist behavior as a product of strategic choice / A theoretical analysis of transnational terrorism / Justifications and means : the moral dimension of state-sponsored terrorism / Islam's "neglected duty" / Soft power and the psychology of suicide bombing / Do targeted assassinations work? A multivariate analysis of Israel's controversial tactic during the Al-Aqsa uprising / What happened to suicide bombings in Israel? Insights from a terror stock model