Cover image for Plant Breeding and Sustainable Agriculture: Considerations for Objectives and Methods
Plant Breeding and Sustainable Agriculture: Considerations for Objectives and Methods
Plant Breeding and Sustainable Agriculture: Considerations for Objectives and Methods
Publication Information New:
Wiley 1991
Physical Description:
CSSA Special Publications
Goals of sustainable agriculture are increasing in prominence due to a rising concern about the environment and profitability. These concerns are driving a movement in agronomic research and extension to look at sustainable and lower chemical input methods of farming. It is beyond the scope of these proceedings to comment in depth on the benefits, justification, or many facets of sustainable agriculture. A review of key factors in sustainable or "alternative" farming practices was recently published by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) (Anonymous, 1989. Alternative Agriculture. National Academy Press, Washington, DC). The NAS review points out that "instead of rejecting modern agricultural science, farmers adopting alternative systems rely on increased knowledge of pest management and plant nutrition, improved genetic and biological potential of cultivars and livestock, and better management techniques." Examples of the practices or principles most highly emphasized in the report are crop rotation, management systems for weed and pest control, soil- and water-conserving tillage, and "genetic improvement of crops to resist insect pests and diseases and to use nutrients more efficiently." We would add to the final component, genetic improvement, the need to enhance productivity of cultivars under novel stresses imposed by other practices mentioned. Plant breeding can serve an important role in the success of sustainable farming because production requires seed or other propagules, regardless of management system. By introducing superior genetic materials at competitive prices, productivity is enhanced cost effectively. This is the central theme of all plant breeding. One purpose of this symposium was to stimulate thinking toward what types of demands or environments may be increasing in prominence as sustainable agriculture concepts spread.
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