Influence of social media in formation of positive brand attitude among different user groups in sports video analysis-a case example “Sprongo”
Influence of social media in formation of positive brand attitude among different user groups in sports video analysis-a case example “Sprongo”
Autor personal:
[s.l. : s.n.], 2020.
Descripción física:
xi, 86 leaves : illustrations, tables ; 30 cm + 1 CD-ROM.
Nota general:
Date of approval: 20.01.2020
In todays’ world, social media enjoys a phenomenal success in terms of adoption and current usage levels. We can say that they cause paradigm shifts on how people interact and communicate with each other as well as, on how they like to express and share ideas, and even on how they engage with different products, brands, and organizations. Further than that, we see how social media became significant networks of consumer knowledge. The phenomenon that is going to be discuss later on in this study is mainly social media and its effect on the formation of positive attitude on the consumers. We can see the examples in many are in our daily lives even such as video analysis and sports, the impacts of social media have already been described as unique, primarily due to the experiential nature of sports products, and especially of video analysis: purchases are considered to be risky and that is why decision making processes are information intensive. Many studies attempt to point out the role and impact of social media on aspects of brand attitude during the sport video analysis process that is before, during, and after the analysis. However, almost all of them tend to employ a micro approach, focusing either on a specific type of social medium (e.g. consumer review and rating websites), or on a specific application (e.g. SPRONGO), or on a specific stage of the decision making process (e.g. information search), or on a specific stage of the analysis process (e.g. Dartfish) In order to get clear results, I’ve selected a specific social media – Instagram and a personalbrand which is the common brand that is popular on social media sport platforms, which is called “Sprongo”. Due to relevance with the topic, It is correct to use seven independent factors that were selected for their influence which was also later tested onto two different groups. The first group were representing the fans of the Sprongo Brand that are also subscribed as such on Instagram, while the secondgroup was chosen due to their content of random people who were also both familiar and aware as well as in a position of recognizing the brand. Two questionnaires were prepared to hand out – the first one was for the Sprongo Fan Group and second one was for the SprongoNon-Fan Group.After the data was collected, SPSS program Version 19.0 was used in order do the certain correlation analyses in order to identify the relationship both between the different independent variables and the dependent variables and Brand Attitude was the key dependent variable in this study. Moreover, to test these selected seven hypotheses, the two- way of variance ANOVA was used for checking which one of the two groups is eliciting a better brand attitude under the social media influence. It was shown out that SprongoFans who are using social media for a long period of time, have experience with the brand on a certain base, have positive opinions and they think that It is necessary to use and be surrounded by social media is eliciting more positive brand attitude than NonSprongofans with the similar characteristics. In addition to this finding, NonSprongoFans who are longer using a certain brand and mostly are engaged in socialmedia activities, compareto other brands that show more positive attitude than Fans group. There is a possible scenario for both a limitation and another are to work on for future studies from the variable “Social Media Engagement” where no significant correlations were found.
Teknoloji çağını yaşadığımız bu günlerde, Sosyal Medya’nın, gerek sosyal, gerek profesyonel hayatımızdaki yeri git gide büyümeye ve ivme kazanmaya devam ediyor. Sosyal Medya’nın her alana uyarlanabilir olması ve ticari adaptasyonunun çabukluğundan dolayı, bir sürü anlık iletişim ve bilgi yayma avantajlari olduğu da bir gerçek haline geldi. Bu durum; Spor Federasyonları ve bir sürü profesyonel atlet ve acemi sporcular için de geçerli durumda. SPRONGO profesyonel anlamda, spor federasyonlarına, spor koçlarına ve tüm spor alanlarındaki, hem profesyonel hem acemi sporculara, destek verme amaçlı hazırlanan bir web sitesi olarak işlev veriyor. Aynı zamanda mobil aplikasyonu ile de; anlik video çekerek, yükleme ve video analiz yapma özelliğine sahip. Dünyanın her ülkesinde, çoğunlukla; Olimpik Federasyonlar tarafindan tercih edilen SPRONGO, kendi kendine pazarlamasını yapmasının yani sıra, Sosyal Medya ağındaki tüm kanallardan ve özellikle Instagramdan, fanlarına ulaşıyor. Anlık yarışmalar, bilgi akışı, spor alanındaki yenilikler, yeni ürünler, geliştirmekte oldukları gelecek projeler ve akıllı yapay zeka özelliğindeki yenilikleri; fanlarıyla Sosyal Medya üzerinden paylaşarak; hem kendi aralarında bir iletişime hem de marka ile olan fikirlerini direk olarak SPRONGO ile paylaşmalarına olanak sunuyor. Bizim bu çalışmadaki amacımız önce Sosyal Medya’nın pozitif bir marka tutumu yarattığını göstererek, SPRONGO’ya olan katkısını incelemek.
Autor corporativo añadido:
Título uniforme añadido:
Thesis (Doctoral) -- Işık University: Graduate School of Social Sciences.
Ph.D. Program -- Contemporary Management Studies.
Graduate School of Social Sciences -- Contemporary Management Studies.
Sosyal medyanın video analizi kullanan farklı gruplar üzerindeki pozitif marka tutumu etkisi ve bir ‘Sprongo’ konu çalışması. Turkish.
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