Imagen de portada para Nuclear Fission Reactors Potential Role and Risks of Converters and Breeders
Nuclear Fission Reactors Potential Role and Risks of Converters and Breeders
Nuclear Fission Reactors Potential Role and Risks of Converters and Breeders
1st ed. 1983.
Vienna : Springer Vienna : Imprint: Springer, 1983.
Descripción física:
XXII, 258 p. online resource.
Topics in Energy
1 Introduction -- 1.1 TheDevelopmentofNuclear Energy in the World -- 1.2 Technical Applications of Nuclear Fission Energy -- 1.3 Economic Aspects of Nuclear Energy -- Selected Literature -- 2 Some Basic Physics of Converter and Breeder Reactors -- 2.1 Basic Nuclear Physics -- 2.2 Neutron Flux and Reaction Rates -- 2.3 Spatial Distribution of the Neutron Flux in the Reactor Core -- 2.4 Fuel Burnup, Fission Product and Actinide Buildup -- 2.5 Conversion Ratio and Breeding Ratio -- 2.6 Conversion Ratio and Fuel Utilization -- 2.7 Radioactive Inventories in Fission Reactors -- 2.8 Inherent Safety Characteristics of Converter and Breeder Reactor Cores -- Selected Literature -- 3 Nuclear Fuel Supply -- 3.1 Introduction (The Nuclear Fuel Cycle) -- 3.2 Uranium Resources and Requirements -- 3.3 Concentration, Purification and Conversion of Uranium -- 3.4 Uranium Enrichment -- 3.5 Fuel Fabrication -- Selected Literature -- 4 Converter Reactors with a Thermal Neutron Spectrum -- 4.1 Light Water Reactors -- 4.2 Gas Cooled Thermal Reactors -- 4.3 Heavy Water Reactors -- 4.4 Near Breeder and Thermal Breeder Reactors -- Selected Literature -- 5 Breeder Reactors with a Fast Neutron Spectrum -- 5.1 The Potential Role of Breeder Reactors with a Fast Neutron Spectrum -- 5.2 Brief History of the Development of Fast Breeder Reactors -- 5.3 The Physics of LMFBR Cores -- 5.4 Technical Aspects of Sodium Cooled FBR's -- 5.5 SUPERPHENIX -A Commercial Size Demonstration LMFBR -- 5.6 Safety Design Aspects of LMFBR Plants -- 5.8 LMFBR Cores with Advanced Oxide and Carbide Fuels -- 5.9 Gas Cooled Fast Breeder Reactors -- Selected Literature -- 6 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Options -- 6.1 Fuel Cycle Options for Converter Reactors -- 6.2 Fuel Cycle Options for Breeder Reactors -- 6.3 Natural Uranium Consumption in Various Reactor Scenarios -- Selected Literature -- 7 Technical Aspects of Nuclear Fuel Cycles -- 7.1 Discharge and Storage of Spent Fuel Elements -- 7.2 The Uranium-238/Plutonium Fuel Cycle -- 7.3 The Thorium/Uranium-233 Fuel Cycle -- 7.4 The Uranium/Plutonium Fuel Cycle of Fast Breeder Reactors -- 7.5 Waste Conditioning -- 7.6 Nuclear Waste Repositories -- Selected Literature -- 8 Environmental Impacts and Risks of Nuclear Fission Energy -- 8.1 Radioactivity Releases from Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Cycle Facilities During Normal Operation -- 8.2 Risk Assessment of Nuclear Fission Reactors -- 8.3 The Risk of Nuclear Proliferation and Possibilities of Its Mitigation -- Selected Literature.
Nuclear power offers an abundant energy supply for the long term and at reasonable costs. Both are badly needed in this world of limited energy reserves and rising energy prices. On the other hand, there are questions widely discussed in the public on nuclear safety, on acceptable means of nuclear waste disposal, and concern on the proliferation of nuclear weapon capabilities. Public confu­ sion is widespread since facts are often overshadowed by emotions. Recognizing the need for reliable, factual and comprehensive information on nuclear energy, this book on Nuclear Fission Reactors is published .to present the scientific and technical facts of nuclear fission reactors, and to analyse their potential role and risks. The author, Professor Dr. G. Kessler, has worked in nuclear research and project management since 1963. From 1975 to 1978, he acted as project leader for the German/Belgian/Dutch Fast Breeder research and. development activi­ ties. Since then, he has been Director of the Institute of Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology in the Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Centre. The book is part of the series "Topics in Energy" issued by Springer Publish­ ers. The intention of this series of in-depth analyses is to present the facts, inherent problems, trends and prospects of energy demand, resources and tech­ nologies. The vital importance of energy for human activities has become apparent to the public particularly through dramatic events in the area of oil supply.
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