Imagen de portada para Advanced Computer Graphics Economics Techniques and Applications
Advanced Computer Graphics Economics Techniques and Applications
Advanced Computer Graphics Economics Techniques and Applications
1st ed. 1971.
New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer, 1971.
Descripción física:
XXVIII, 1229 p. 156 illus. online resource.
1 Fundamental Issues Facing Computer Graphics -- The Lessons of the "60's" -- Fundamental Problems Facing the Growth of Man/Computer Graphics -- Aspects of Interactive Graphic Systems -- Some Comments on Supporting Multiple Interactive Graphic Consoles in a Productive Environment -- Digital Television: a low cost approach to multi-terminal graphics -- 2 Computer Aided Design - General Applications -- An interactive Graphical System using Computers linked by Voice Grade Line -- Conversational Design of Stochastic Service Systems from a Graphical Terminal -- Anatomy of an interactive Graphics Display Project: an Engineering Tool -- Computer Graphics in the Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Networks -- Structural Operational Data Sets from Arbitrarily Arranged Computer Graphic Symbols -- A CAD approach to Blanking Die and Technology Design -- Computer-Aided design at McDonnell-Douglas -- Graphics Oriented Fractionator Analysis and Simulation Tool (GOFAST) -- A Display System for Processing Engineering Drawings -- 3 Electronic Design Applications -- A Graphic Language for Describing and Manipulating two-dimensional patterns -- Interactive Graphical Input for Circuit Analysis -- Practical Layout of Printed Circuit Boards using Interactive Graphics -- Computer Graphics for integrated Circuit Design -- 4 Civil Engineering Applications of Computer Graphics -- Perspective Views and Computer Animation in Highway Engineering -- The use of Interactive Computer Graphics in Soil Engineering Analysis and Design -- Structural Design Using Interactive Graphics -- Computer Representation Display and Interrogation of Structural Building Data -- Interactive Use of the Light-Pen in finite Element Limit Load Analysis -- Computographical Description of the Dynamics of a Turbulence Model -- 5 Architectural Applications -- Computer Aided Architectural Design -- A Generalised Program for Transforming Relationship Values into Plan Layouts -- An Associative Data Structure to Describe Building Component Assemblies -- The Computer as an aid for the Architect -- Computer Graphics System for School Design -- Computer Graphics in Architecture -- The Craft Program Improvements and Proposed Improvements -- Building Design by Computer Graphics -- 6 Nuclear and Space Science Applications -- The application of Computer Generated Graphs and Diagrams to the Development of Advanced Nuclear Reactors -- A Laboratory for Interactive Programming, Processing and Display in Space Science -- 7 Pattern Recognition Developments -- Design of an Experimental Laboratory for Pattern Recognition and Signal Processing -- Display Assisted Design of Sequential Decision Logic for Pattern Recognition -- Interactive Signal Processing -- 8 Text Processing with On-Line Visual Display -- A demonstration of magazine page layout using a graphic display terminal -- Graphic Editing of Structured Text -- On-Line text editing using visual display -- 9 Computer Generated Animation -- Generating Computer Animated Movies from a Graphic Console -- Production of Computer Animated Films from a Remote Storage Tube Terminal -- 10 Developments in Display Systems -- Project Merlin: A Graphics Operating System -- On the Application of Graph Theory to Computer Data Structures -- Design of Software and Formats for Interactive Graphics Support -- Software Capabilities of the Adage Graphics Terminals -- Storage Tube Graphics-a Comparison of Terminals -- Microcoded Multiprogramming Display Control Unit -- An Interactive Graph Theory System -- Development and Production of Design Charts Using a Digital Plotter -- 11 Graphic Languages -- A Fortran package for Interactive Graphics -- Visplay, the C.S.I.R.O. Graphical Fortran System -- Software for Satellite Graphics -- Optimum Systems Design of Computer Driven Graphics Terminals -- TDD-An Interactive Three Dimensional Drawing Program for Graphical Display and Lightpen -- Languages for Graphic Attention-Handling -- 12 Computer-generated Geometric Shapes -- Interrogation Techniques for Parametric Surfaces -- Analysis of an Efficient Homogeneous Tensor Representation of Surfaces for Computer Display -- On Linear Differences Curves -- Interactive Surface Design -- The use of Interactive Graphics for the Preliminary design of a Ship's Hull -- Some Commercially Available Computer Graphics Systems.
Computer graphics is no longer merely a technique of promise. The case studies in this book prove that it is a technique which has already identified itself with progress in an astonishingly wide range of app­ lications, to the extent that it has been necessary to group many chapters into sections dealing with specific categories, such as the design of electrical circuits, civil engineering, architecture, nuclear and space science and text editing. In the last couple of years, computer graphics has blossomed out from the stage in which it was confined almost exclusively to the large scale industries of aircraft and automobile engineering. It has also developed additional advantages, mote than the simple idea of doing the same thing more quickly. Now the technique offers entirely new ways of doing old things, with consequent greater efficiency and accuracy; and it also brings a way of doing new things, which were previously not possible. In the introduction to their paper in Part 12, Armit and Forrest state: "We do not discuss those systems which are merely computer versions of existing design methods, but rather those systems which make use of techniques for design which are beyond the possibilities of conventional drafting." Similarly, Ranaweer3; and Leckie end their paper in Part 4 with the comment: "Thus the man and the machine can work as a team to arrive at a solution better than that which can be arrived at by either one alone".
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