Imagen de portada para Large Scale Structure and Motions in the Universe Proceeding of an International Meeting Held in Trieste, Italy, April 6-9, 1988
Large Scale Structure and Motions in the Universe Proceeding of an International Meeting Held in Trieste, Italy, April 6-9, 1988
Large Scale Structure and Motions in the Universe Proceeding of an International Meeting Held in Trieste, Italy, April 6-9, 1988
1st ed. 1989.
Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer, 1989.
Descripción física:
500 p. online resource.
Astrophysics and Space Science Library, 151
Invited Lectures (in order of time): -- The Center for Astrophysics Redshift Survey: Recent Results -- The Large-Scale Distribution of IRAS Galaxies -- Structure on a Scale of a Tenth the Event Horizon -- Dwarf Galaxies and Large-Scale Structure -- Distribution of Dark Matter in Galaxies -- Structure at Intermediate Scales: Clusters of Galaxies -- Quasars and Large Scale Structure -- The Evolution of Structure -- Inflation and the Baryon Isocurvature Model -- Large Scale Structure: Its Possible Imprint on the CMB? -- Large Structure Parameters in the Multicomponet Universe -- The Model of Baryonic Islands of Large Structures -- Theoretical Framework on the Formation of the Large Scale Structure in the Universe -- Large-Scale Motions in the Nearby Universe -- Local Large Scale Structure vs Cold Dark Matter -- Velocity Correlations and Large Scale Motions -- The Imprint of Large Scale Structure on the Cosmic Background Radiation -- Peculiar Velocity and Gravity as Cosmological Probes -- The Fractal Range of the Distribution of Galaxies; Crossover to Homogeneity, and Multifractals -- The X-Ray Background: Discrete Sources or Diffuse Processes? -- The X-Ray Log N - Log S Relation -- X-Ray Constraints on Large Scale Clustering -- Poster Papers (in alphabetical order): -- Angular Momentum Transport in a Two-Component Protogalaxy -- Anisotropies of the Microwave Background Radiation Produced by Spheroids -- Features of the Cosmic Background Radiation Maps -- The Autocorrelation Function of the X-Ray Background on Small Angular Scales -- Correlation Between Flattening and Radio Emission Among E and S0 Galaxies -- VLA Observations of 24 Spiral Galaxies in the Virgo Cluster -- Measurement of the Radio Quasar Clustering -- Biased Galaxy Formation in the Cold-Dark-Matter Scenario -- Testing Cosmic Fluctuation Spectra -- Dissipative N-Body Simulations of CDM Cosmologies -- IUE Observations of Quasars in Galaxy Cluster Environments -- Simulated X-Ray Clusters in the Cold Dark Matter Model -- Southern Redshift Plots -- A Filament of Galaxies in the Camelopardalis Region -- E and S0 Galaxies in the Perseus Supercluster -- Far-Infrared Properties of Active Galaxies -- Clusters of Galaxies: Can the X-Ray Emitting Gas Mimic the Unseen Matter? -- The Evolutionary Status of Groups of Galaxies -- Very Large-Scale Structure: Observational Tests -- Intergalactic Dust Matter -- Peculiar Velocities of Clusters of Galaxies from m* -- Could the Gravitational Lensing Alter the Interpretations of the Observational Data in the Extragalactic Field? -- Galaxies Found at 21 CM in a Cosmic Void -- The Near Background of the Virgo Cluster -- Properties of Galaxies and the Distance of the Virgo Cluster -- The Clustering of Quasars -- The Clustering of HII Galaxies -- Voids in the Corona Borealis Region -- Redshifts for Clusters of Galaxies in the Corona Borealis Region -- A Photometrical Study of a Distant Cluster of Galaxies A665 -- Extending the Structural Pattern into the Zone of Avoidance -- Groups Around Quasars -- A Galaxy Search in the Zone of Avoidance Near Hydra -- New Results on Quasar Clustering -- Clustering of Extragalactic Radio Sources in the MG 5GHz Survey -- A High Spatial Resolution Imaging Survey of Very Distant 3CR Galaxies -- Numerical Simulations of Self-Gravitating Fluids -- Correlation Functions in Redshift Space -- Microwave Background Anisotropy Dilution by Lensing -- Cosmic String and the Distribution of Quasar Absorption Lines -- Multidimensional Analysis of the Distribution of Galaxies with Different Luminosity -- A Balloon-Borne Experiment Devoted to the Search for Extragalactic Background Anisotropies in the far IR -- Subclustering and Evolution in the Coma Cluster -- Angular Structure in the Southern Cluster Catalogue -- Some Remarks on the (LX, ?v) Relation for Clusters of Galaxies -- Application of the Method of Statistical Reduction to the A1314 Cluster of Galaxies -- Exact Solution of the Dirac Equation -- A Distant X-Ray Selected Cluster with a Cooling Flow: 1E0839.9+2938 -- Radio Galaxies as Large-Scale Cosmogical Probes -- The 3-D Distribution for a Magnitude Limited Galaxy Sample to Bj=16.5 Using Techniques of Hierarchical Clustering -- Galaxy Correlations as a Function of Luminosity -- Void Structure in the Lyman Alpha Forest -- Membership and M/L of Nearby Groups of Galaxies -- The Tidal Torque on the Local Group of Galaxies -- Rich Clusters and Large Structures: The Search for Aligments -- VLA HI Observations of the Brightest Spirals in Hydra I -- Dark Matter in Elliptical Galaxies -- Toy Numerical Models: Variability of Cluster Classical Parameters with Distance -- On the Large Scale Anisotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background -- Distribution of Galaxies in a Region of the Coma Supercluster -- Peculiar Velocities of Nearby Spiral Galaxies -- Bright Quasars and the Local Supercluster -- The Dynamics and Structure of the Multiple Cluster SC 0627-54 -- Discrete Source Contributions to the Anisotropies of the Microwave Background Radiation -- Voronoi Tessellations and the Large Scale Structure of the Universe -- Position Angle Distributions of the Brightest Galaxies in Abell Clusters -- Large Scale Radio Emission in the Coma Cluster -- A Great Concentration of Galaxy Clusters in the Southern Sky -- Monte Carlo Simulations of a CBR Anisotropy Experiment -- Formation of Condensations in an Expanding World Model -- Where Did Galaxies Come from? -- Percolation and Radiogalaxy Distribution -- Index of Names -- Index of Subjects -- Index of Objects.
The 1980's have been times of great excitement in Astrophysics and Cosmology. Professors Dennis Sciama and Fabio Mardirossian and all the other Members of the Organizing Committees are to be congratulated for having given us a taste of this excitement in Trieste, by inviting the leaders of the subject to the meeting they have organized. The excitement has corne from the new observations of the three-dimensional structure of the universe through a large number of new measurements of redshifts. These have revealed that clusters of galaxies are distributed on the surface of big empty bubbles of diameters of the order of 20-50 Mpc. Additionally, there is some evidence for invisible dark matter (whose composition is not known) as well as evidence for the gravitational lens effect. To cap this has corne the supernova of 1987, an event which last occurred 383 years ago. For the first time in history, the neutrino flux from the supernova was measured, giving limits to neutrino masses and numbers of neutrino types. (The dark matter problem is related to Particle Physics - beyond this standard model). It is good to be alive when all this happens and to try to comprehend this. Once again, our appreciation to the organisers and to those who presented their beautiful results.
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