Imagen de portada para The Physiology of Hemostasis
The Physiology of Hemostasis
The Physiology of Hemostasis
Autor personal:
1st ed. 1983.
New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer, 1983.
Descripción física:
XII, 378 p. online resource.
1. An Outline of the Hemostatic Mechanism -- Vascular Responses to Injury -- Platelet Responses to Vessel Wall Injury -- The Coagulation System -- Morphology of the Hemostatic Plug -- The Fibrinolytic System -- References -- 2. Platelet Structure and Function -- Platelet Morphology and Structure -- Megakaryocytes -- The Regulation of Thrombopoiesis -- Platelet Heterogeneity -- Platelet Plasma Membrane -- Platelet Intracellular Membrane -- Platelet Prostaglandins -- Platelet Granules -- Platelet Calcium -- Platelet Cytoskeleton -- Contractile Apparatus of Platelets -- Platelet Activation -- References -- 3. The Coagulation System -- Contact Activation System -- Vitamin K -- Factor IX -- Factor VIII -- Factor X -- Interaction between Factors IXa, Villa and X -- Tissue Factor -- Factor VII -- Factor V -- Prothrombin -- Interaction between Factors Xa, Va and Prothrombin -- Thrombin -- Fibrinogen -- Factor XIII -- Coagulation Inhibitors -- Antithrombin III -- Alpha2-Macroglobulin -- Alphaj-Antitrypsin -- CI Inactivator -- Protein C -- Protein S -- Protein Z -- Lipoprotein Factor Xa Inhibitor -- Inhibition of Thrombin -- Inhibition of Factor Xa -- Inhibition of the Contact Activation System -- Anticoagulant Effect of Fibrinogen Degradation Products -- References -- 4. The Fibrinolytic Enzyme System -- Plasminogen -- Plasmin -- Plasminogen Activators -- Inhibitors of the Fibrinolytic Enzyme System -- Plasma Antiplasmins -- Platelet Antiplasmins -- Plasma Antiactivators -- Platelet Antiactivators -- Tissue Inhibitors of Fibrinolysis -- Plasminogen-independent Fibrinolysis -- Mechanism of Physiological Thrombolysis -- References -- 5. Interactions Between the Hemostatic and Complement Systems -- Outline of the Complement System -- Complement and Platelets -- Complement and the Coagulation System -- Complement and the Fibrinolytic Enzyme System -- References -- 6. Hormonal Influences on the Hemostatic Mechanism -- Catecholamines -- Corticosteroids -- Thyroxine/Triiodothyronine -- Estrogens and Progestogens -- Androgens -- Pancreatic Hormones -- Hypothalamic and Pituitary Hormones -- References -- 7. Age, Sex, Circadian and Seasonal Variations in the Hemostatic Mechanism -- Influence of Age on Hemostatic Components -- Fetal Life -- Infancy -- Adult Life -- Influence of Sex on Hemostatic Components -- Circadian Variations in Hemostatic Components -- Seasonal Variations in Hemostatic Components -- References -- 8. Ethnic and Blood Group Variations in the Hemostatic Mechanism -- Ethnic Influences on the Hemostatic Mechanism -- Influence of Blood Group on Hemostatic Components -- References -- 9. Environmental Influences on the Hemostatic Mechanism -- Effect of Environmental Cold on Hemostasis -- Effect of Environmental Heat on Hemostasis -- Effect of Altitude on Hemostasis -- Effect of Compression-Decompression on Hemostasis -- References -- 10. Nutritional Influences on the Hemostatic Mechanism -- Plasma Lipids -- Effect of Lipids on Platelet Function -- Effect of Lipids on Coagulation -- Effect of Lipids on the Fibrinolytic System -- Effect of Carbohydrates on the Hemostatic Mechanism -- Pyridoxal 5?-Phosphate and Hemostasis -- Vitamin B12 and Platelets -- Influence of Ascorbic Acid on the Hemostatic -- Mechanism -- Influence of Vitamin E on the Hemostatic Mechanism -- Effect of Alcoholic Beverages on the Hemostatic -- Mechanism -- Effect of Onion and Garlic on Hemostatic Function -- Miscellaneous Ingestants and Hemostatic Function -- Influence of Obesity on Hemostatic Components -- Effect of Starvation on Hemostasis -- Effect of Zinc Deficiency on Hemostasis -- References -- 11. The Influence of Physical Activity, Mental Stress and Injury on the Hemostatic Mechanism -- Physical Activity -- Mental Stress -- Injury -- References -- 12. The Hemostatic Mechanism in Pregnancy, Labor and the Puerperium -- Platelet Numbers and Function in Pregnancy, Labor and the Puerperium -- The Coagulation System in Pregnancy -- The Coagulation System in Labor and the Puerperium -- The Fibrinolytic Enzyme System in Pregnancy -- The Fibrinolytic Enzyme System in Labor, Parturition and the Puerperium -- Physiological Significance of the Hemostatic Changes in Pregnancy and the Puerperium -- References -- 13. Hemostasis and the Menstrual Cycle -- Hemostatic Components in Different Stages of the Menstrual Cycle -- The Fluidity of Menstrual Discharge -- Uterine Hemostasis at Menstruation -- References.
The current widespread interest in the hemostatic mechanism stems largely from the probability that its inappropriate function may lead to thrombosis, but also for its relevance to the causation and manage­ ment of bleeding disorders. Our understanding of the pathological events leading to thrombus formation or abnormal bleeding depends on knowledge of the basic physiology of the hemostatic system. A number of excellent multiauthor texts are available on the general area of hemostasis and thrombosis, and many symposia proceedings on specific topics in hemostasis have been published. The present volume aims to cover the normal function of hemostasis and ex­ plicitly excludes consideration of disease states and therapy. In addition, it is concerned with human hemostasis only although reference is made to studies on other mammalian species when the information supplements that available on man. The book is divided broadly into two sections. The first covers the current knowledge of the principal components contributing to the hemostatic process; the second examines the changes in these com­ ponents induced by physiological events, and details an accumula­ tion of information not previously brought together in a single text. An introductory chapter, intended for the non-specialist, outlines the whole hemostatic process and provides an orientation for the later detailed information on individual components.
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