Imagem da capa para Environmental noise pollution : noise mapping, public health, and policy
Environmental noise pollution : noise mapping, public health, and policy
Environmental noise pollution : noise mapping, public health, and policy
Autor Pessoal:
First edition.
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2014.

Descrição Física:
1 online resource
Front Cover; Environmental Noise Pollution: Noise Mapping, Public Health, and Policy; Copyright; Contents; Acknowledgements; Preface; Chapter 1: Environmental Noise Pollution; 1.1. Debates and Challenges; 1.2. Environmental Noise; 1.3. The Book's Focus and raison d'être; References; Chapter 2: Principles of Environmental Noise; 2.1. Sound as a Wave; 2.1.1. Speed of Sound, Wavelength and Frequency; 2.1.2. Frequency; 2.1.3. Broadband vs. Tonal Noise Sources; 2.2. Representing Sound Levels with the Decibel Scale; 2.2.1. Sound Power, Sound Pressure and Sound Intensity; Reference Values.

2.2.2. Typical Decibel Levels2.2.3. Working with Decibels; 2.3. A-Weighting; 2.3.1. Other Weightings; 2.4. Noise Metrics; 2.4.1. Continuous Equivalent Noise Level: Leq; 2.4.2. Statistical Indicators: L10, L90, etc.; 2.4.3. Universal EU Noise Indicators Lden and Lnight; 2.4.4. Other Common Metrics; Maximum and Minimum Levels, Lmax and Lmin; Peak, Lpeak; Sound Exposure Level; Effective Perceived Noise Level; Day/Night Average Sound Level (Ldn); 2.5. Measuring Noise; 2.5.1. A Competent Person; 2.5.2. Sound Level Meters and Calibration; 2.5.3. Measurement Period; 2.5.4. Microphone Position.

2.5.5. Extraneous and Residual Noise2.5.6. Measurements for Strategic Noise Maps; 2.5.7. Observations on a Typical Noise Survey for Road Traffic Noise; 2.6. Outdoor Sound Propagation; 2.6.1. Geometric Divergence; 2.6.2. Atmospheric Absorption; 2.6.3. Ground Effect; 2.6.4. Diffraction; 2.6.5. Miscellaneous Other Effects; Temperature Inversion; Wind Effects; Foliage; 2.7. Conclusion; References; Chapter 3: Environmental Noise and Health; 3.1. Introduction; 3.2. The Noise-Health Problem; 3.3. The Noise-Stress Relationship and Effects Overview.

3.4. Environmental Noise and Annoyance3.5. Environmental Noise and Sleep Disturbance; 3.6. Environmental Noise and Cardiovascular Disease; 3.6.1. Hypertension; 3.6.2. Ischaemic Heart Disease; 3.7. Environmental Noise and Cognitive Impairment in Children; 3.8. Environmental Noise and Tinnitus; 3.9. The Special Case of Low-Frequency Noise; 3.10. Conclusion; References; Chapter 4: Strategic Noise Mapping; 4.1. Introduction; 4.2. EU Noise Policy and Legislation; 4.3. The Environmental Noise Directive; 4.4. Strategic Noise Mapping; 4.4.1. Data Collection/Input Data.

4.4.2. Calculation Methods for Noise Mapping4.4.3. Producing a Noise Map; 4.4.4. Estimating Population Exposure; 4.4.5. Noise Action Planning; 4.4.6. Dissemination of Results to the General Public; 4.5. Strategic Noise Mapping in the EU: Results from the First Phase (2007); 4.6. Strategic Noise Mapping Beyond the EU; 4.7. Conclusion; References; Chapter 5: Transportation Noise; 5.1. Road Traffic Noise; 5.1.1. Rolling Noise; 5.1.2. Engine Noise; 5.1.3. Road Traffic Noise Calculation Methods; NMPB96 (France); Calculation Details; CRTN (United Kingdom); Calculation Details.
Environmental Noise Pollution: Noise Mapping, Public Health and Policy addresses the key debates surrounding environmental noise pollution with a particular focus on the European Union. Environmental noise pollution is an emerging public policy and environmental concern and is considered to be one of the most important environmental stressors affecting public health throughout the world. This book examines environmental noise pollution, its health implications, the role of strategic noise mapping for problem assessment, major sources of environmental noise pollution, noise mitigation approaches, and related procedural and policy implications. Drawing on the authors' considerable research expertise in the area, the book is the first coherent work on this major environmental stressor, a new benchmark reference across disciplinary, policy and national boundaries. Highlights recent developments in the policy arena with particular focus on developments in the EU within the context of the European Noise Directive Explores the lessons emerging from nations within the EU and other jurisdictions attempting to legislate and mitigate against the harmful effects of noise pollution Covers the core theoretical concepts and principles surrounding the mechanics of noise pollution as well as the evidence-base linking noise with public health concerns Publisher
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