Angular Correlations in Nuclear Disintegration Proceedings of the International Conference on Angular Correlations in Nuclear Disintegration Delft, The Netherlands August 17-22, 1970 için kapak resmi
Angular Correlations in Nuclear Disintegration Proceedings of the International Conference on Angular Correlations in Nuclear Disintegration Delft, The Netherlands August 17-22, 1970
Angular Correlations in Nuclear Disintegration Proceedings of the International Conference on Angular Correlations in Nuclear Disintegration Delft, The Netherlands August 17-22, 1970
Personal Author:
1st ed. 1971.
Yayın Bilgileri:
Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer, 1971.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
XVIII, 636 p. 81 illus. online resource.
Angular Distributions and Correlations of Nuclear Radiations in Nuclear Spectroscopy * (Opening Address) -- Means of Increasing the Accuracy in Angular Correlation Measurements* -- Intrasource Scattering and Absorption Effects on ?-? Angular Correlation Measurements -- A Fiftysix Channel Goniometer -- Computer - Controlled 70-in. Chamber -- The Influence of After-Effects on Angular Correlation Measurements* -- A Time-Differential Study of After-Effects in the Decay of 197mHg -- Effects of Electron Shell Recovery and Relaxation Measured by PAC with Short-Lived Nuclear States of the Rare Earth Isotopes -- Problems Connected with the Theory and Measurement of ?-? Angular Correlation* -- Perturbed Alpha-Gamma Angular Correlations in the Decay of 241, 243Am -- Alpha-Gamma Linear Polarization Measurements in the Decay of 223Ra ? 219Rn -- Conversion Electron Correlations in Nuclear Structure Research* -- Effect of Multiple Scattering of Electrons on e? - ? Directional Correlations -- Directional Correlation Measurements on the Decay of l76 Ta -- Some Aspects of Directional Correlation Measurements in 152Sm -- E0-Contribution to the 689K-122? Angular Correlation in 152Sm -- Electron-Gamma Angular Correlations of the 208 keV - 113 keV Cascade in 177Hf -- Nuclear Penetration Effects in the 92 keV Transition in 131Cs -- The Influence of Nuclear Structure on the Particle Parameters for Angular Correlations Involving Conversion Electrons and on Internal Conversion Coefficients -- E2-M1 Admixtures in Transitions in Deformed and Transitional Even-Even Nuclei* -- Determination of Mixing Ratios in 27Mg by ?-? Angular Correlation Measurements with a Multi-Counter Goniometer -- Studies of the Properties of 29P Levels -- Determination of the Mixing Ratio in the Decay of the Long-Lived 1.612 MeV Level in 37Ar -- 863.6 - 810.6 keV ?-? Directional Correlation in 58Fe -- Angular Distribution Measurements in the (?, ??) Reaction on Various Isotopes -- Gamma-Gamma Directional Correlation Measurements in 124Te -- Determination of E2/M1 Mixing Parameters for Collective Transitions in Deformed Nuclei -- Gamma-Gamma Directional Correlations of the 1079-89 and 2089-89 keV Cascades in 156Gd -- M1-E2 Admixtures in Transitions from Beta- and Gamma-Levels in 152Sm -- The M2/E1 Mixing Ratio for the Anomalous ?K = 1 71.6 keV Transition in 177Hf -- Measurement of the E2/M1 Amplitude Ratios of Gamma Transitions in the Even-Even Isotopes of Os and Pt -- Low-Lying Level Structure of 198Hg and 200Hg -- Tables and Graphs for the Analysis of (1-3) ?-? Directional Correlations -- KX-Ray-?-Directional Correlations in the Decay of 54Mn, 65Zn, 75Se and 85Sr -- Potential of ?-?-? Triple Directional Correlation Studies in Radioactive Decay -- Determination of First Forbidden Beta Matrix Elements from Angular Correlation Data* -- Beta-Gamma (CP) Correlation Measurements in Allowed Transitions* -- Beta Matrix Elements for some First Forbidden Decays from Angular Correlations -- Beta-Gamma Angular Correlation Measurements on First Forbidden Beta-Transitions -- The Influence of Linear Polarization on the Measurement of Circular Polarized ?-Rays -- Beta-Gamma (CP)-Asymmetry Coefficients in Allowed Isospin Forbidden Transitions -- Review of all Quadrupole Moments Measured by Coulomb Excitation* -- The Study of the Neutron-Proton Correlation in the Disintegration of the Deuteron -- A Survey of Correlation Experiments Testing Parity and Time Reversal and a Discussion of Recent Parity Tests* -- The Weak Parity-Violating Nucleon-Nucleon Potential -- Angular Correlation Tests of Time Reversal Invariance* -- Interference Phenomena in Perturbed Angular Correlations (Theory of Time-Independent Interactions)* -- Angular Correlations Perturbed by Dynamic Interactions with the Environment -- Theoretical Aspects of Quadrupole Perturbations on Time-Integrated Angular Correlations -- A Geometry for Obtaining Unperturbed Angular Correlations in the Presence of Electric Field Gradients -- Results from Observed Resonances in Perturbed Angular Correlations due to Crossing Hyperfine Levels -- Perturbed Angular Correlations in Paramagnetic Single Crystals of Rare-Earth Ethylsulfates -- Effects of Perturbed Angular Correlations on Half-Life Measurements -- Implantation Perturbed Angular Correlation Techniques in Ferromagnetic and Non-Ferromagnetic Materials* -- Perturbed Angular Correlations with Implanted Sources* -- Interdependence of Mössbauer Effect and Gamma-Gamma Angular Correlations in 119mSn -- Time-Differential Studies of 166Er in Copper -- Paramagnetic Relaxation for Erbium in Copper -- Hyperfine Interactions of 161Dy Nuclei Implanted in Iron -- On the Theory of Magnetic Moments: Rotational Nuclei* -- On the Theory of Magnetic Dipole Moments of Spherical and Transitional Nuclei* -- Shell Model Calculations of Magnetic Dipole and Electric Quadrupole Moments and ?-Ray Mixing Ratios -- Magnetic Moments for the 265 keV and 280 keV Levels in 75As -- Magnetic Moment of the Lowest 2+ Vibrational State in 102Ru -- Magnetic Moment and Half-Life of the First Excited State in 134Cs -- Anomalous Orbital Magnetism of the Proton Deduced from the Magnetic Moment of the 11? State of 210Po -- Stroboscopic Determination of the Magnetic Moment of the 8+ Isomeric State in 208Po -- Magnetic Moment of the [g29/2] 8+ State in 90Zr -- Magnetic Moments and Lifetimes of a (3+) - 273 keV Level in 74As and the 1+ - 45 keV Level in 76As -- The g-factor of the 7/2? Level at 1.611 MeV in 37Ar -- The Perturbed Angular Correlations for the (596 - 42) keV Cascade in 62Cu -- Spectroscopic Study of 125Te -- Quadrupole Interactions and Quadrupole Moments* -- Observation of the Quadrupole Interaction at Ta in Zr by Time-Differential Perturbed Angular Correlation Technique -- The Quadrupole Moment of 133La and Shape Isomerism -- Large Superconductive Magnets for the Application in the Field of Perturbed Angular Correlations* -- Summary -- Appendix 1. Some Tables for the Analysis of (1-3) ? - ? Directional Correlations.
In 1969 we feit that the subject of angular correlations in nuclear disintegrat­ ion had received little special attention at international conferences. It is true that perturbed angular correlations had been discussed at a smalI, highly - specialised meeting at Uppsala in 1963 and that in 1967 certain aspects of perturbed angular correlations had been considered at a conference on hyperfine structure at Asilomar. However, both conferences were very limited in scope from the point of view of a low - energy nuclear physicist. Besides, since these conferences were being held, the field of perturbed ?ngular correlations had received new impetus from the still ex­ panding application of the implantation of radioactive isotopes in suitable environ­ ments, from the construction of large superconductive magnets, etc. Meanwhile, the technique of measuring correlations between beta particles and circularly polarized gamma rays had been developed to such a degree that they lent themselves to the in­ vestigation of beta decay, nuclear structure and charge dependence of nuclear forces. The systematic study of heavy elements had increased the import an ce of alpha-gamma angular correlations which present their own specific problems. Theoretical internal conversion data had become available to such an extent that electron -gamma direct­ ional correlations became an important tool in the investigation of nuclear structure: in a large number of cases it is more advantageous to study electron -gamma corre­ lations instead of the commonly measured gamma -gamma directional correlations.
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