Erythropoietin için kapak resmi

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Cambridge, MA : Academic Press, is an imprint of Elsevier, 2017.
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1 online resource : illustrations
Vitamins and hormones ; volume 105

Vitamins and hormones ; v. 105.
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<Ol><li><b>Erythropoietin Receptor Structural Domains<br></b><i>Qingxin Li and CongBao Kang</i></li><li><b>Analysis of the Asymmetry of Activated EPO Receptor Enables Designing Small Molecule Agonists<br></b><i>Frank Guarnieri</i></li><li><b>Endogenous Erythropoietin<br></b><i>Steven J. Korzeniewski and Athina Pappas</i></li><li><b>Erythropoietin Regulation by Angiotensin II<br></b><i>Yong-Chul Kim, Ognoon Mungunsukh and Regina M. Day</i></li><li><b>Erythropoietin Receptor Signaling and Lipid Rafts<br></b><i>Kathy McGraw and Alan List</i></li><li><b>Erythropoietin and Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis<br></b><i>Soumyadeep Dey and Constance T. Noguchi</i></li><li><b>Erythropoietin-Mediated Regulation of Central Respiratory Command<br></b><i>Tommy Seaborn and Céline Caravagna</i></li><li><b>Mutual Cross Talk Between Iron Homeostasis and Erythropoiesis<br></b><i>Ilona Rybinska and Gaetano Cairo</i></li><li><b>Context-Dependent Skeletal Effects of Erythropoietin<br></b><i>Sahar Hiram-Bab, Drorit Neumann and Yankel Gabet</i></li><li><b>Erythropoietin-Mediated Neuroprotection in Insects Suggests a Prevertebrate Evolution of Erythropoietin-Like Signaling</b><br><i>Ralf Heinrich, Verena Günther and Natasa Miljus</i></li><li><b>Erythropoietin: Endogenous Protection of Ischemic Brain<br></b><i>Robert T. Mallet and Myoung-Gwi Ryou</i></li><li><b>The Erythropoietin System Protects the Heart Upon Injury by Cardiac Progenitor Cell Activation<br></b><i>Maria P. Zafeiriou</i></li><li><b>Erythropoietin Promotes Glioblastoma via miR-451 Suppression<br></b><i>Begum Alural, Zeynep O. Ayyildiz, Kemal U. Tufekci, Sermin Genc and Kursad Genc</i></li><li><b>Erythropoietin, Stem Cell Factor, and Cancer Cell Migration<br></b><i>Maria J. Vazquez-Mellado, Victor M. Embriz and Leticia Rocha-Zavaleta</i></li><li><b>Significance of Erythropoietin Receptor Antagonist EMP9 in Cancers<br></b><i>Yoshiko Yasuda and Mitsugu Fujita</i><br></li></ol>
Title page; Table of Contents; Copyright; Former Editors; Contributors; Preface; Chapter One: Erythropoietin Receptor Structural Domains; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Domain Architecture of the EpoR; 3 The Extracellular Domain of the EpoR; 4 TM Domain of the EpoR; 5 The C-Terminus of the EpoR; 6 Conclusion and Future Directions; Chapter Two: Analysis of the Asymmetry of Activated EPO Receptor Enables Designing Small Molecule Agonists; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 The Search for EPO Mimetics; 3 Comparing the Amgen and RWJ Work on EPO

4 Activation Requires Induced Asymmetry Not Specific Interactions5 Simulated Annealing of Chemical Potential; 6 Experimental Confirmation of the Theories and Computation Predictions; 7 Conclusions; 8 Acknowledgments; Chapter Three: Endogenous Erythropoietin; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 What Is Endogenous Human EPO, What Does It Do, and How Do We Know?; 3 Summary and Conclusion; Acknowledgments; Chapter Four: Erythropoietin Regulation by Angiotensin II; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 RAS in the Regulation of Blood Cell Homeostasis In Vivo; 3 RAS Regulation of Erythropoietin In Vivo

4 Molecular Mechanisms of ANG II Regulation of EPO Expression5 Biphasic Effects of ACE Inhibitors on Radiation-Induced Hematopoietic Injury; 6 Summary and Conclusions; Acknowledgments; Chapter Five: Erythropoietin Receptor Signaling and Lipid Rafts; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Epo and Epo Receptor; 3 Conditions With Aberrant Epo Signaling; 4 Epo Receptor Signaling; 5 Lipid Rafts; 6 Lipid Rafts and Epo Signaling; 7 Clinical Implications; 8 Conclusion and Future Directions; Chapter Six: Erythropoietin and Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis; Abstract; 1 Erythropoietin

2 Erythropoietin and Brain Development3 Effects of Erythropoietin Receptor Gene Knockout in Metabolism; 4 Effects of Erythropoietin Treatment and Overexpression in Metabolism; 5 The Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis; 6 Hypothalamus; 7 Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland Cross Talk; 8 Posttranslational Processing of POMC: ACTH Synthesis and Release; 9 Erythropoietin Effects in Hypothalamus and Pituitary; 10 Conclusions; Chapter Seven: Erythropoietin-Mediated Regulation of Central Respiratory Command; Abstract; 1 Erythropoietin; 2 Control of the Respiratory System

3 Peripheral Epo Regulation of Respiratory Parameters4 Epo Regulation on the Central Respiratory Command; 5 Factors Influencing Epo-Mediated Regulation of the Respiratory Command; 6 Conclusion; Acknowledgment; Chapter Eight: Mutual Cross Talk Between Iron Homeostasis and Erythropoiesis; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Systemic Iron Homeostasis; 3 Regulation of Hepcidin Expression; 4 Conclusion and Future Directions; Acknowledgment; Chapter Nine: Context-Dependent Skeletal Effects of Erythropoietin; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 In Vitro Effects of Epo; 3 Regulation of Bone Homeostasis by Epo
Erythropoietin, the latest volume in the Vitamins and Hormones series first published in 1943, and the longest-running serial published by Academic Press, provides up-to-date information on crystal structures and basic structural studies on neurotrophins and their receptors, neurotrophin functions and the biological actions of neurotrophins related to clinical conditions and disease. Each thoroughly reviewed volume focuses on a single molecule or disease that is related to vitamins or hormones, with the topic broadly interpreted to include related substances, such as transmitters, cytokines, growth factors and others. Erythropoietin is a kidney cytokine-like hormone that is responsible for maintaining the homeostasis of oxygen in the circulation. In case of hypoxia or anemia, erythropoietin acts through a complex regulatory system involving the hypoxia-inducible factor and hypoxia-response elements in the genome to cause red blood cells to proliferate and differentiate. Although this system has been understood to account for the main activity of erythropoietin, it is currently known that erythropoietin has many other additional physiological activities. This volume documents the activities of this vital molecule and also describes the structure and function of erythropoietin and its receptor as well as newly designed small-molecule agonists.
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