Current directions in gender psychology için kapak resmi
Current directions in gender psychology
Current directions in gender psychology
Yayın Bilgileri:
Boston : Allyn & Bacon : Pearson, 2010.
Fiziksel Tanımlama:
vii, 187 p. : ill., 23 cm.
SECTION 1. PHYSICAL HEALTH Kajantie, E. (2008). Physiological stress response, estrogen, and the male-female mortality gap -- Stoney, C.M. (2003). Gender and cardiovascular disease: A psychobiological and integrative approach -- Almeida, D.M. (2005). Resilience and vulnerability to daily stressors assessed via diary methods -- Goldenberg, J.L. (2005). The body stripped down: An existential account of the threat posed by the physical body -- SECTION 2. PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING Nolen-Hocksema, S. (2001). Gender differences in depression -- Crick, N.R., Casas, J.F., & Nelson, D.A. (2002). Toward a more comprehensive understanding of peer maltreatment: Studies of relational victimization -- Robins, R.W., & Trzesniewski, K.H. (2005). Self-esteem development across the lifespan -- Kim, J.E., & Moen, P. (2002). Is retirement good or bad for subjective well-being? -- SECTION 3. COGNITIVE FUNCTIONING Ramsey-Rennels, J.L., & Langlois, J.H. (2006). Infants' differential processing of female and male faces -- Martin, C.L., & Ruble, D. (2004). Children's search for gender cues: Cognitive perspectives on gender development -- Herlitz, A., & Rehnman, J. (2008). Sex differences in episodic memory -- Sherwin, B.B. (2007). Does estrogen protect against cognitive aging in women? -- Halpern, D.F. (2004). A cognitive-process taxonomy for sex differences in cognitive abilities -- SECTION 4. EVOLUTION AND HUMAN SEXUALITY Peplau, L.A. (2003). Human sexuality: How do men and women differ? -- Buss, D. M. (2001). Cognitive biases and emotional wisdom in the evolution of conflict between the sexes -- Miller, L.C., Putcha-Bhagavatula, A., & Pedersen, W.C. (2002). Men's and women's mating preferences: Distinct evolutionary mechanisms? -- Diamond, L. M. (2004). Emerging perspectives on distinctions between romantic love and sexual desire -- Shackelford, T.K., & Goetz, A.T. (2007). Adaptation to sperm competition in humans.

SECTION 5. SOCIAL CONTEXT Killen, M. (2007). Children's social and moral reasoning about exclusion -- Katz, A.N., Blasko, D.G., & Kazmerski, V.A. (2004). Saying what you don't mean: Social influences on sarcastic language processing -- Maccoby, E.E. (2002). Gender and group process: A developmental perspective -- Hyde, J.S. (2007). New directions in the study of gender similarities and differences.
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