Creep and Shrinkage Their Effect on the Behavior of Concrete Structures 的封面图片
Creep and Shrinkage Their Effect on the Behavior of Concrete Structures
Creep and Shrinkage Their Effect on the Behavior of Concrete Structures
1st ed. 1983.
New York, NY : Springer New York : Imprint: Springer, 1983.
284 p. online resource.
A How Do Creep and Shrinkage Affect the Behavior of Structures? -- Differentiation Among Types of Stresses and of Action Effects According to Their Causes -- The Effects of Shrinkage -- The Effects of Creep -- Summary of the Effects of Creep and Shrinkage -- B Behavior of Materials -- General Rheological Description of the Deformation Process in Concrete -- Development of the Strength of Concrete -- Data on the Magnitude of Strain -- Prediction Methods -- Deformation Characteristics of Reinforcing and Prestressing Steels -- Comparison with Construction Site Observations -- Prospects for Future Developments -- References for Part B -- C Examples -- Brief Compilation of Formulations for an Estimate of Instantaneous and Time-Dependent Strains -- Summary of Relationships for Calculating the Consequences of Creep and Shrinkage -- Statically Indeterminate Coupling between a Flexible Steel Tension Member and a Concrete Structure -- Internally Statically Indeterminate Coupling between Bonded Reinforcement and Concrete -- Two-fold Internally Indeterminate Coupling between a Rigid Reinforcement Bonded to Concrete: Solution by the Busemann Method -- Two-fold Statically Indeterminate Interaction between Two Unstressed or Prestressed Bonded Tendons and Concrete -- Redistribution Moments in Prestressed Structures which Are Supported Statically Indeterminate. Examples of Internally and Externally Statically Indeterminate Systems -- Systems with Multiple Degrees of Indeterminacy -- Reduction of Constraints which Are Imposed Through Rigid or Near-Rigid Supports -- Constraints Induced by Shrinkage -- Coupling of Structural Components with Different Creep and Shrinkage Properties -- Use of Step-by-Step Integration for Cases which Cannot, or Only with Difficulty, Be Solved in a Closed Mathematical Form -- Possible Ways of Reducing the Redistribution of Action Effects Caused by Creep -- Calculation of Deformations and Camber -- References for Part C -- APPENDIX I Further Explanations to Part B -- Modulus of Elasticity -- The Prediction Method of Rusch-Jungwirth -- Comparison of Prediction Methods for Creep -- APPENDIX II Realistic Calculation of Creep and Shrinkage Effects -- The Differential Equation According to Dischinger -- Finite Difference Methods -- The Trost Method -- The Bažant Method Based on the Effective Modulus -- The Busemann Method for Internally and Multiple Statically Indeterminate Systems -- Special Cases -- Comparison of Results Achieved with Different Methods -- Outlook -- References for Appendix II.
This book is based on Reinforced Concrete-Prestressed Concrete, Volume 2, Accounting for the Effects of Creep and Shrinkage on the Behavior of Structural Systems by Hubert Rusch and Dieter Jungwirth, which appeared in German in 1976. Even then, it was Hubert Rusch's fervent wish to have his thoughts on the deformations of concrete translated into English in order to reach a wider audience. His earlier efforts to contribute a study to the Series of Monographs of the Ameri­ can Institute had unfortunately not succeeded. Despite a serious illness, Hubert Rusch undertook, with his characteristic prudence and thoroughness, the preparatory work for the translation and related revision of his book. Unfortunately fate did not grant him the satisfaction of seeing his work completed. Hubert Rusch died on October 17, 1979. In writing this book, Hubert Rusch drew on his many years of devoted study of the creep problem. These investigations go back to 1934. His awareness of the plastic deformation of concrete under sustained load, which had been reported to him on the occasion of an American sojourn, led him to discover the causes of a major building collapse. At his urging, Professor A. Hummel published, in 1935, a critical survey of the test results then available on concrete creep.