Handbook of Child Psychopathology 的封面图片
Handbook of Child Psychopathology
Handbook of Child Psychopathology
3rd ed. 1998.
New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer, 1998.
XIII, 679 p. online resource.
I. Basic issues -- 1. Developmental Perspectives -- 2. Etiological Factors -- 3. Diagnosis, Assessment, Taxonomy, and Case Formulations -- II. Specific Childhood Psychopathologies -- 4. Mental Retardation -- 5. Learning Disabilities -- 6. Autistic Disorder -- 7. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders -- 8. Conduct Disorders -- 9. Anxiety Disorders -- 10. Depressive Disorders -- 11. Eating Disorders -- 12. Self-Injurious Behavior and Stereotypies -- 13. Tics and Tourette's Disorder -- 14. Elimination Disorders -- III. Psychological Aspects of Physical Conditions -- 15. Pediatric Headaches -- 16. Childhood Asthma -- 17. Juvenile Diabetes -- 18. Childhood Cancer -- 19. Pediatric AIDS -- 20. Intrafamilial Child Maltreatment -- 21. Children under Stress -- IV. Prevention and Treatment -- 22. Psychodynamically Based Therapies -- 23. Family Treatment -- 24. Behavioral Treatment -- 25. Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology -- 26. Prevention: A Proactive-Developmental-Ecological Perspective.
In our first edition of the Handbook in 1983, we the origins and course(s) of maladaptive behav­ ior, whatever the causes, whatever the age of on­ noted that child psychopathology should no longer be viewed as a downward extension of set, whatever the transformations in behavioral adult psychopathology. Rather, we suggested expression, and however complex the develop­ that children should be viewed as children, not mental pattern may prove to be. It strives to inte­ as miniature adults, and that a merger of the dis­ grate these two disciplines in an intimate and of­ ciplines of clinical child psychology and devel­ tentimes complex manner. opmental psychology must occur for this evolu­ Careful attention to issues of development and tion to be fully realized. In the second edition of other contextual issues relevant to children, ad­ the Handbook in 1989, we asserted that the syn­ olescents, and their families guided us in our ef­ thesis of these two fields of inquiry was under­ forts to solicit contributors for this third edition.