Advances in Clinical Child Psychology 的封面图片
Advances in Clinical Child Psychology
Advances in Clinical Child Psychology
1st ed. 1979.
New York, NY : Springer US : Imprint: Springer, 1979.
308 p. online resource.
Advances in Clinical Child Psychology ; 2
1 Teaching Children Self-Control -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Self-Control Tasks -- 3. Conceptualizations of Self-Control -- 4. Training Procedures -- 5. A Closing Caveat -- 6. References -- 2 Generalization Processes in Child Behavior Change -- 1. Generalization as a Treatment Product -- 2. Generalization as a Natural Phenomenon -- 3. Movements from the Laboratory to the Real World: The Followers of Theory -- 4. Anomalies -- 4.1. The Impact of Behavior Ecology -- 4.2. Anomalies in Operant Interventions -- 5. Self-Management: Generalization Directed from Within -- 6. An Inductive Look at Ecobehavioral Networks -- 7. References -- 3 Learning Disability and Hyperactivity (with Comments on Minimal Brain Dysfunction) -- 1. Minimal Brain Dysfunction -- 2. Hyperactivity -- 3. Learning Disability -- 4. Comparison of Treatment Approaches: Behavior Modification and Drugs -- 5. An Emerging Treatment Approach for LD: Cognitive-Behavior Modification -- 6. Summary and Conclusions -- 7. References -- 4 The Assessment and Treatment of Children's Fears -- 1. Scope of the Review -- 2. Incidence and Content of Children's Fears -- 3. Etiology -- 4. Assessment -- 5. Treatment -- 6. Recommendations for Clinical Practice -- 7. References -- 5 Child Abuse: A Social Interactional Analysis -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Historical Context -- 3. The Family as a Locus of Violence -- 4. The Frequency of Family Violence -- 5. Explaining Child Abuse -- 6. Intervention -- 7. Conclusions -- 8. References -- 6 Clinical and Community Interventions with Children: A Comparison of Treatment Strategies -- 1. Criteria for Evaluating Intervention Strategies -- 2. Strategies Associated with Dynamic Therapies -- 3. Strategies Associated with Behavior Therapies -- 4. Evaluation of Strategies for Individual Children -- 5. Community Intervention Strategies -- 6. Community Intervention versus Individual Child Intervention Strategies -- 7. Summary and Conclusions -- 8. References -- 7 Elective Mutism in Children -- 1. Elective Mutism: A Review -- 2. Methodological Evaluation and Critique -- 3. Summary -- 4. References -- 8 Neuropsychological and Neurophysiological Assessment of Children with Learning and Behavior Problems: A Critical Appraisal -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Neuropsychological Assessment -- 3. Neuropsychological Findings -- 4. Neurophysiological Findings -- 5. Summary and Implications -- 6. References -- Author Index.
The second volume of Advances in Clinical Child Psychology continues the high standards set by the contributing authors of Volume 1. The series has been most fortunate in attracting authors who lead the field of applied child and developmental psychology in theory, research, and practice. Their chapters bring together advances from a wide variety of sub fields in essays that can legitimately be called "major statements." Often these integrative chapters prove to be more than the sum of their parts, not only bringing together information on the most current topics in the field but pointing to new directions as well. Donald Meichenbaum summarized current evidence and theory in his chapter on self-control in children. The cognitive and behavioral and convenient strategies he outlines offer the promise of effective treatment methods, but as he points out, much remains to be learned about these methods. Robert Wahler and his associates outline a new model for the study of generalization of child treatment effects. The model views the family as a system that either supports or inhibits generalization. Suggestions for planning treatments within this framework are provided, as well as an outline for extending this analysis to other levels of systems.