Fostering self-regulated learning through ICT
Fostering self-regulated learning through ICT
Hershey, Pa. : IGI Global (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, USA), 2011.
electronic texts (412 p. : ill.) : digital files.
1. Self-regulated learning and technology-enhanced learning environments / Matthew Bernacki, Anita Aguilar, James Byrnes -- 2. Measuring and profiling self-regulated learning in the online environment / Lucy Barnard-Brak, William Lan, Valerie Paton -- 3. Design of the SEAI self-regulation assessment for young children and ethical considerations of psychological testing / Jesús de la Fuente, Antonia Lozano -- 4. Self-regulated strategies and cognitive styles in multimedia learning / Barbara Colombo, Alessandro Antonietti -- 5. Re-Conceptualizing calibration using trace methodology / Rylan Egan, Mingming Zhou -- 6. Using student assessment choice and eassessment to achieve self regulated learning / Cath Ellis, Sue Folley -- 7. The role of SRL and TELEs in distance education / Maureen Andrade, Ellen Bunker -- 8. Strategies to promote self-regulated learning in online environments / Bruce Harris, Reinhard Lindner, Anthony Piña -- 9. Influence of task nature on learner self-regulation in online activities / Manuela Delfino, Giuliana Dettori, Donatella Persico -- 10. Theoretical and practical issues in designing a blended e-learning course of English as a foreign language / Rita Calabrese, Filomena Faiella -- 11. Evaluating Web content for self-directed language learning / Yoko Hirata -- 12. Using video as a retrospective tool to understand self-regulated learning in mathematical problem solving / I-Pei Tung, Kevin Chin --
13. Activating a self-regulated process / M. Mariotti, Laura Maffei -- 14. Assessing self-regulation development through sharing feedback in online mathematical problem solving discussion / Bracha Kramarski -- 15. The role of self-regulated learning in enhancing conceptual understanding of rate of chemical reactions / Eunice Olakanmi, Canan Blake, Eileen Scanlon -- 16. Enriching quality of self-regulated learning through technology-enhanced learning environments / Su Luan, Kamariah Abu Bakar -- 17. Mark-UP / Mark McMahon -- 18. Self-regulation of learning supported by Web 2.0 tools / Maria Lizarraga, Oscar Villanueva, Maria Baquedano -- 19. Exploring the effects of an optional learning plan tool in technology-enhanced learning / Antje Proske, Susanne Narciss, Hermann Körndle -- 20. Reference course model / Per Bergamin, Marco Bettoni, Simone Ziska, Cindy Eggs -- 21. Fostering self-regulated learning in e-Health / Sisira Edirippulige, Rohana Marasinghe -- 22. Informal self-regulated learning in corporate organizations / Wim Veen, Jan-Paul van Staalduinen, Thieme Hennis -- 23. Face-to-face and web-forum interventions promoting SRL skills at university / Barbara De Marco, Nicoletta Businaro, Eleonora Farina, Ottavia Albanese -- 24. SRL/SDL and technology-enhanced learning / Jane Pilling-Cormick.
"This book presents the relationship between SRL and ICTs from several standpoints, addressing both theoretical and applicative issues, providing examples from a range of disciplinary fields and educational settings"--Provided by publisher.